Friday, February 22, 2008

Jam Session!

All 3 boys got guitars for Christmas this year.. Whit got an acoustic, Tyler got a bass and Todd got an electric ( the one he was "playing" in the earlier post video). These boys have had these guitars less than 2 months and they are already playing REAL SONGS! Tyler has really gotten good at the bass and really looks the part! Whit has learned how to sing and play at the same time.. NOT AN EASY FEAT!! I am so proud of them!


Leigh of Tales from Bloggeritaville said...

That is so awesome! Sooo proud! He sounds really good too! You can have a fmaily band. Hey-The next Partridge Family! You just need a bus. That is soooo cool!!!ALOT of talent in your family! You mom, you,!

Michelle said...

HAHA Do you know that on Christmas Eve we went over to my parents and my kids all brought their guitars to their house.. When we walked in i swear we looked like we were on tour.. I walked in and my sister said " Yall look like the Von Traps" hahaha I am very proud of what they have both accomplished in less than 2 months.. The bass guitar was out of tune slightly.. We are going to do more of these in the future.. Tyler has been learning the bass line to ENTER SANDMAN.. It sounds good.. Whit called Steve on Friday and said "Tell mom to take those videos off that blog!" haha he was mad because he didnt have a shirt on.. I told him about 5 million times to put a shirt on because I was taping.. He wouldnt.. Here is the result.. DUH :)

Abbey's Road said...

Are they taking lessons or just pickin it out by ear? I started guitar lessons but my neck problem keeps me from being able to look down the neck when I'm trying to find the chords .... MAN, it hurt my fingers ... but I'm going back to it when I get well .... that or getting a piano, my first love .... hope you're all well now!!!

Michelle said...

My middle son goes on YouTube and watches tutorials on the guitar. My oldest does that some too but he mostly does it by ear...He did those songs completely by ear...

The Estridge 5+ said...

Just don't let Otis sing, please.