This week, we decided to take an EXTREMELY short trip to South Carolina..Whit was meeting with the baseball coach at Anderson University in South Carolina, to be evaluated, to possibly play college baseball there.. We also decided that since Anderson is only like 45 minutes from Steve's brother, Jeff, we'd stop by there and visit.. Usually when we take a trip to SC, its atleast a 3 day event.. But this time we couldnt because of the store and other work obligations..
Our first stop was Greenwood, SC, the home of Jeff, Carla and Jack Ellis.. Jeff has a pool in his backyard so all the boys, including Steve, brought their swimsuits and played..They always play this game I like to call " Throw Jack As High As Humanly Possible" LOL.. Jack has absolutely NO FEAR and LOVES to be thrown in the pool.. I think Jack is going to be a stunt man when he grows up.. lol I have a video of it and I am posting it.. That kid gets some AIR when he gets thrown.. This video was taken on my cell phone, sorry it isnt the BEST quality!
Steve's one of 6 boys in his family.. He has 3 older brothers and 2 younger ones.. Yes, he has middle child syndrome.. LOL JUST KIDDING STEVE!! Anyway, Steve's other brother, Randy, also stopped by Jeff's house to see us.. Randy is like 4 years older than Steve.. His poor mom had 4 boys within like 6 years.. What was she thinking? Im sure she was thinking the same thing back then.. LOL His mom has this picture of them all.. Steve is like 6 weeks old.. He has that newborn look.. He is gazing up at the oldest brother, who is beside him.. Randy, the second oldest, is on the other side and Jeff, who is only like 14 months older then Steve, is on all fours, behind them on a table trying to escape.. Once again, POOR MOM!!!! LOL That picture speaks VOLUMES.. LOL

A final note about the trip: Whit has been accepted to Anderson University and the coach told him that they have a JV baseball team so the younger players can get some extra playtime.. He then told Whit, after he had evaluated his pitching performance, that he saw Whit helping out their VARSITY team this year!!! How exciting!! So, I guess I will need a bumper sticker that says " My kid and ALL my money goes to Anderson University" lol
Fun times. And congratualtions to Whit! That is awesome!
Thanks Leigh!! Now we just gotta figure out how much money we are gonna need to put him through a friggin PRIVATE college.. LOL Atleast I know he will be taken care of..
Ahem...thanks for coming through Columbia! I'm kidding, I know you were pressed for time. How in the heck did you forget your camera??? I think you do have a disorder regarding that camera of yours.
Congratulations to Whit. I'm sure I'll run into him somewhere in this fine state next spring.
Have a fun summer. the way that last comment was mine!
Casey E.
HEY CASEYYYYY!!!!!! Im sorry we didnt stop by but we were no where near Columbia.. We didnt set foot near there.. We were in Greenwood and Anderson..You know we would have stopped by.. I was thinking yesterday that Whit could come and tailgate with yall and it would be like Steve was never gone.. He could just pretend to be Steve.. LOL
my brother went to an Anderson University, but it's in Indiana. The one in SC must be different. Good for Whit!
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